
Beauty Skin


Skincare is dominating the beauty market like never before and it is also changing the way how people are now approaching it and taking it seriously as well. However, with the skincare world being flooded with so many influencers sharing different and almost contrasting things, it is becoming difficult for common people to understand which one to believe.

Though we can’t state everything people are claiming to be wrong and not useful, we can definitely burst some myths being circulated these days, which you should stop believing immediately.

Oily Skin Doesn’t Need Moisturizer

It is often heard that if you have oily skin, you should skip applying moisturizer because it will make your skin oilier, but the facts state otherwise. If you don’t apply moisturizer, your skin will end up producing more oil to overcompensate the dryness. It will further result in more acnes and breakouts. Do not believe in people saying this and apply moisturizer despite the skin type.

Medical Products Are The Best

You must have hard bunch of people saying that these expensive beauty products skincare are not worth the price and medical products are the better alternatives at a cheaper price. Do not fall for this! Though medical products work, they are not always the best. You will often find dermatologists to prescribe some of these expensive skin care products to include in your regime.

Skip Sunscreen On Cloudy and Winter Days

You might even be following this myth and don’t even realise the aftereffects it can cause. Applying sunscreen despite the season and weather is crucial. The UV rays are always present in the environment, and may be weak on cloudy and winter days. They still penetrate through the clouds and can cause wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, and are one of the major reasons behind skin cancer. Never step out without wearing sunscreen.

There are more myths that are associated with skincare and without realizing it, people are following them blindly. These myths cause you more damage than you can even think. Save yourself in time and always consult an expert in the field before applying anything on the skin or skipping any crucial skin care products from applying.